Sister Blog

Billy, budding reporter?

Photo Courtesy of: Joey Harrison

Hey friends,

Molenda’s Musings, the sister blog to this one, is now a material functioning piece of cyber-space which I’ve created in order to display my old and new works of poetry and other writings. I needed to dust the cobwebs from all my hard copies and find them a home here. (They are already settling in so nicely, can’t ya tell) 🙂 I hope you’ll take a gander, and if you feel compelled, offer any comments or criticisms that you may have.

Let’s chat poetry (and all other genres within the creative writing format)!

One thought on “Sister Blog

  1. I can’t keep up with one blog! I admire you for balancing two of them. I’ll hop on over and take a look. 🙂

I would love to hear your thoughts...